(原文掲載)Arts Centres, young people, and the bigger picture.
マイケル・スペンサー (Michael Spencer)
Arts Centres, young people, and the bigger picture.
Michael Spencer
Recently, I attended two important international conferences devoted to corporate learning. They both attracted an impressive list of business leaders and academics. A common strand emerged from each which concerned the increasingly worrying trend for societies to devalue the importance of authentic individual reflection, and to underestimate how essential this was in contributing to the well being of communities of all types. The overpowering influence of technology coupled with the pursuit of individual financial gain, coming at the expense of interpersonal interaction and the preservation of our human sensibilities, were identified as the major influencing factors that contributed to this growing void.
This trend has had an influence on the place of the Arts in society too. Rather than as an aid to greater understanding, expression and interconnectivity, the Arts tend to be viewed increasingly as either some elaborate and dispensable form of decoration, or as a means by which only a select few individuals are able reach fame and fortune.
In the seductive onslaught of easily digestible stimuli such as streamed content from the web, sport, short lived fashionable fads or media trends etc., we are gradually losing contact with some of the essential elements which contribute to our sentient capacities as humans.
Arts Centres fulfil a crucial role at grass root level whereby they offer experiences which help to ignite and sustain this important facet of what it is to be human. Arts Centres are valuable resources which enrich interconnectivity and social bonding, leading to shared values and stronger communities. And this starts with our young people.
Effective Arts programmes for young people are an investment in the future because, not only do they improve social learning capacities, as science now tells us, involvement in the arts stimulates cognitive and analytical skills. Arts Centres play a special part in this because, unlike schools, they are free to produce compelling programmes which provoke, challenge and stimulate interaction. What better opportunity could there be, therefore, other than for an Arts Centre to help curate this transition of our young people into adulthood, and to take their place as responsible, informed citizens and valued community members.
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